Sunday, May 31, 2015

The Truth Disclosed Once And For All. - The Moringa Queen

The Truth Disclosed Once And For All. - The Moringa Queen  

DR. ERIC PLOTT this is what makes People Remember You..


Kristine Wyllys, and Heather Barany

What was said about ERIC PLOTT was A LIE & I never intended to take our personal life into ERIC PLOTT’S PROFESSIONAL LIFE….

I am here to let the world know that these women have come out WRONGLY against a great Godly man and his endeavors at PlottPalmTrees.Com & TheMoringaQueen.Com (TheKingMoringa.Com).
This man, ERIC PLOTT, has been falsely accused on many levels due to
being mislead by my own lies and deceitfulness to sway them into
thinking he was a bad guy, because I was actually mad at him. ERIC PLOTT
is in fact a very ethical business man who really does SAVE LIES And
not destroy them as these women, who are not to fond of alternative
medicine or naturopathy; so their Hateful words that were being spread,
defamation was due to this fact that they don’t like that he is helping
people by means of going against the Western Traditional Medicine. Let
me clear up that he is the REAL DEAL & Not a quack, snake oil
salesman, or fraud.

He is legit, contrary to what “HEATHER BARANY” will tell you about him not being from Harvard University, Eric Plott is Harvard.

Eric Plott, does do legit business for the world and you can trust his word and credibility.

I Lied about him being abusive or that he doesn’t file his taxes to the IRS.

I, Rhonda Kay worked with LYNDA SPOONAMOORE to ruin business deals and
contracts with each other by making up lies to destroy contracts on ERIC
PLOTT. For this I am deeply sorry and I hope that him and his Family,
whom have also been completely BASHED AND ATTACKED About Their
Christianity and Faith in God; Can forgive me and us all.

I worked with Eric PLOTT for about a Year and All I can Tell you, is
all the REVIEWS AND TESTIMONIALS That are said about him and his
Perfection Practice are true, this young man and his family are
literally saving peoples lives out there. I lied to him about how I
wasn’t a smoker and how I was still married, yet I engaged in a long
term relationship with this man. I hid my relationship by going back and
forth between Tennessee and Missouri in order to keep multiple secrets
from him and his mother. Many of these lies ended up surfacing and he
would catch me smoking and my divorce finally went through today, but it
was too late, because I never came to his defense when he was publicly
humiliated by these women above, which did effect his business greatly.
He lost business due to us setting up and sabotaging his business, I
feel extremely bad for this and I pray the Plott family can all forgive
us for making them out to be a “Carnival act”. It was never intended to
take our personal life into ERIC PLOTT’S PROFESSIONAL LIFE.

The Truth however, is this man helped save my life as well, I no
longer have this lump in my breast, it is virtually completely dissolved
because of his guidance in health & he even got me off PILLS &
SMOKING HABIT. This is all 100% Legit, I am finally free from my
addictions because of his health knowledge & message of truth.

ANY AND ALL NAME CALLING Against ERIC PLOTT was very uncalled for and
I would hope that people could see that this man, in no way shape or
form deserved to be DEFAMED, ATTACKED, OR HURT in any way. He does
enough for people, he is currently working on reversing the toughest
brain cancer in one child, he healed his own father of diabetes, I have
seen him cure patients with Crohn’s disease, Cancer’s of all types,
HIV/AIDS Even!, He has regulated high blood pressure, Hypothyroidism,
and countless, endless cases of illness out there. READ HIS TESTIMONIALS
those are real people, with phenomenal life changing stories that

could change the world completely; if only people life us weren’t around
to thwart his Great outstanding efforts to save the world, one person
at a time.

I am with the Registered Nurseries of America, I speak for us all,
when we got our degrees we thought we too were going to change the
world; I have to admit we followed a false dream & illusion.

I, as well as my friend above were jealous of ERIC’S Great success in
health, that he was not registered as a professional, yet he was saving
more lives than we could kill! I actually say kill, because after
researching a great deal about the drugs and vaccine that we were
administering, I had the unfortunate duty to disclose that we in fact
are pumping patients with a cornucopia of different heavy metals,
toxins, and poisons that damage the body’s immune system beyond repair.

So, ERIC PLOTT is a GIANT In the health provider world, a genius of
nutrition, some call him. Or the Moringa Guru. The Vegan Master etc…Yes,
this is the man to go to if you want to lost weight, gain weight,
regulate your life & homeostasis or just simply…IF YOU ARE LOOKING
the one you all have been looking for; I would have to say he is DELUX
GOLDEN BULLET That The World is all looking for, but cannot seem to
find…If this man is in your life, don’t take advantage of that, he is
the greatest GAIN, you will ever have…I Know, because I Lost him…And
Sometimes it takes losing something to realize how much you had. I had
the greatest man in my life and I ruined it, Lynda, Rachel, Heather,
& Kristine you all discouraged and mislead me into taking the
greatest thing in my life that I was suppose to have for the rest of my
life. I will never know the Joy in Joy again. If I were to get with
another man, it would only be for his money, because I had everything
with this man; who I call a DOCTOR…No, He is beyond a Doctor, but we
don’t have a name for him yet, so just for now, we will call him Dr.Eric
Geoffrey von Leonard Plott, the man who saved my life..Repaired my
soul, and brought my spirit back to life.

PS: Eric Plott, I am sincerely sorry for disrespecting you by never
telling you were I was, when you wanted to know; being gone with no
explanation for 2-7 hours at a time, leaving no text or phone call…I
should know that you cared so much for me, buy-in me expensive ring,
clothes, flowers, vegan chocolate and even offering to house me, pay my
gas, and pay for my food while I was in Tennessee trying to get my life
together, I should have been more receptive of what your wishes were
instead of always doing what I wanted to do. I Know now that by being
oppositional defiant and selfish; that is what carried out my loss. I
will never find a man that I will ever Love again. I wish we could
repair each other like you have repaired my health.

I Chose Lynda and my Friends ever the man of my dreams, how can I ever
repair from that? I can’t but I hope you follow all your dreams and God
truly blesses everything you touch, as you have blessed me by just
getting a chance to know ERIC PLOTT…The Legend of His own time…People
will know of the Palm tree man one day in the mere future, I hope it
will not be too late, before losing you.

Like it is now….I Hope that convinces the word of the truth about why People will always remember the Moringa King.

Forever I Love You,

~Rhonda Leigh Griffin Kay~

Finding Hope in A Hopeless Land.

I Rather keep my mouth shut and give you things I know will help you if you take them….

I will just say, I don’t listen to doctors, just because I was brainwashed to do so.

I Am Responsible for anyone anywhere, Who Reaches Out For Help, I Want my Hand To Be There,..

ALL LIES EVEN THE HIDDEN Secrets…Will All eventually surface.

Now, That you can see all you have done…its time to take that step
into the kingdom…Every sin will only make your strong…Help you break
right through those prison walls.

I live with Serenity now and not SELF RIGHTEOUS HATE…

Passion Flows within Your Heart. Like A Furnace Burning Bright…Until
you struggle Through The Dark…You’ll Never Know…In Joy and joy…never
Know…never joy Know.


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